The Vampire Academy – Movie Review

Synopsis: Rose Hathaway is a Dhampir, half human/vampire, guardians of the Moroi, peaceful, mortal vampires living discretely within our world. Her legacy is to protect the Moroi from bloodthirsty, immortal Vampires, the Strigoi. This is her story.

Review: So I got to attend a screening of the film last Thursday.  Based on the trailer I was honestly expecting it to be one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.  I participated in a group podcast review with my friends over at The Grand Shuckett and Single Mommy Warrior. You can listen in here:

If you don’t want to listen to it the basic gist is that…well, it’s just not good.  Though when I watched the film I genuinely expected to dislike it more than I actually did.  And to its credit, it clearly entertained a number of people in my theatre (though not everyone).  There were a lot of laughs for them even though I probably laughed at 1 out of 10 of the jokes myself.   I would say my screening was about 60% full which is a red flag right there considering that screenings usually fill up.  I could only get through the first two Twilight films before I stopped, making my peace with the fact that that franchise wasn’t for me and wouldn’t ever be for me. And yes, I read all the books too.  But  I do think I liked this movie better than the first Twilight movie. It’s just all about timing. Twilight, Mean Girls and Harry Potter came first so the comparisons would be inevitable.  The low rent cast didn’t help to draw more interest either.  If you’re going to piggyback off a trend and can’t bring something super fresh and original to the table, then it will go by the wayside.  

First impressions are everything and I think the trailer truly killed any potential it could have had.  Casting didn’t help. I didn’t really warm up to any of the choices and I can’t picture them as those characters when I think back on the series.  However, with movies like The Hunger Games: Catching Fire I can TOTALLY envision Sam Claflin as Finnick Odair now, so it IS possible to cast the right people! Heck, I’d be okay if Finnick was cast as Trent Kalamack and you guys KNOW that’s a big deal for me, haha!

If you still want to give the film a chance, I suggest you see it quickly because it only grossed $4.1 million in its first weekend and I can’t imagine them keeping it in the theatres for much longer.  I will say I do feel sorry for fans who were waiting years for this film to happen.  Franchise potential is all but kaput.  This makes me wonder about the possible success or failure of Divergent.  I think it will definitely do better than $4.1 million  since the trailer looks much better and it has Kate Winslet to bring in a little more star power.  Will it be the next Hunger Games? I strongly doubt it, but it should perform significantly better than the other string of failed YA adaptations (*cough cough* The Host, Beautiful Creatures, The Mortal Instruments, etc. *cough cough*).  Everybody is looking for its next Hunger Games, Twilight, or Harry Potter through YA. Maybe they should see what the adult paranormal fantasy category has to offer for the big screen?  They seems to be getting TV shows at best.

But let’s look on the bright side.  This movie actually was NOT the worst I’ve seen all year!  That honor belongs to The Legend of Hercules and I think it will hold that honor for the rest of the year.   And even better, it means that they can’t ruin the one and the only Adrian Ivashkov <3!


This article has 21 Comments

  1. Hmmmm. I was hoping you would see it, so I could truly decide. I may need to wait until it hits Netflix! Thanks so much girl! You always keep me in the know when i’m off in my writing cave.

  2. Hmm I’ve seen so many mixed reviews about the movie. The trailers are just garbage but I’m hearing they do not represent the movie. I haven’t had a chance to go see it since I’m busy moving and all, but will see it one day regardless, even if as a redbox.

    1. They definitely represent the movie. It’s just that it’s not as horrendous as the trailer suggests. My expectations were the lowest of the low, so it exceeded them. If you’re a fan you should watch it. But if you’ve never read the books it will be very confusing and shallow.

  3. I hate that… I’ve been looking forward to the movie version for a long time. I knew it would be disappointing after I saw the trailer, but I hoped I was wrong. I’ll still watch it, because of my love for the books. I have to give it a fair shot. 😉

    1. You should Some people did like it. I didn’t think it was totally horrible, but the story deserves better than that in my opinion.

  4. I saw the movie yesterday and enjoyed it. I liked the actors they chose for Natalie, Lissa and Christian especially. Dimitri was cast very true to the book by an unknown actor (unknown to me at least) who filled the role well. Rose seemed kinda weak. I brought a friend with me who has not read any of the books, and she was really into him. She liked the movie enough that when we were going home she asked me if I could lend her the series. The dialogue in the movie was a little more snappy and current than the book, and I enjoyed the little tweaks. Honestly, it felt like the movie went by really fast and everything in the book was basically covered, but it felt a little shallow or lacking somehow. I doubt they will make a second one, but if they do I will go:)

    1. He’s a popular Russian actor, so good for them for trying to go authentic. I liked him better as the film went on but he still wasn’t what I imagined. And long hair didn’t do him any favors for me. When it comes to casting I’m difficult to please, but not impossible. At least it converted a new reader though!

  5. I don’t think I even made it through the entire trailer when it was first released because it looked so cheesy. So how bad was the fang flashing in the movie because it seems excessive in the commercials.?

    1. It actually wasn’t all that excessive. They were light on the effects. The most you saw was in the previews actually. The lack of a high budget was pretty apparent.

  6. The trailer killed any interest I might have had to watch it. I was debating on reading the series and after the trailer, I can’t really get up the interest for that either. Am I going to miss out by not reading the books?

    I was interested to see what they would do with mortal instruments, but after I saw who they cast (seriously? what were they thinking?!?!?!) and a crappy trailer yet again, NOT going to happen. And Legend of Hercules? never knew that was happening. I am however curious to see it now since you have rated it as the worst.

  7. We posted our movie reviews at the same time! Yours is way nicer than mine! But I am glad you agree! I am curious about Divergent too! (I have yet to read the books, although I did almost buy it today) and I agree with you, I think it will do well but I do not think it will reach Hunger Games/Twilight/Harry Potter Success. Since you mentioned TV shows.. now that I think of it.. I may have enjoyed Vampire Academy as a TV series than a movie.

    1. I read the first one. It was good but I wasn’t compelled to continue and learning how it all ends doesn’t help. The only way I’ll keep up with the franchise is through the films unless the first one is a dud.

  8. Looks like I’ll be waiting for cable for this one. I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be like I would have liked it to be. A shame since the Vampire Academy series was the first YA PNR I ever read.

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