Kim Harrison Book Signing – I need your help with questions and comments!

Hi again, guys! So Kim Harrison is coming to the Washington, DC area for a signing next Friday, February 24th to promote A Perfect Blood!  I plan to tweet, facebook, take pics and record some bits, so if you have any questions that you’d like me to ask her directly I’ll be more than happy to do it…and I’ll record it for you. Or heck even if you have comments about your favorite characters, ships, plot lines or whatever I’ll tell her.  Sure, you could just ask her yourself on her blog, but it’d fun to see her speak it too, no? A little help here people!  ~_^.

This article has 32 Comments

  1. Could you please ask her if she is ever going to come to England please. As I live in the UK, and it sucks a lot, that I never get to see my favourite author, thank you.

    1. Hi Aimee. Someone from the UK asked her this on her blog and she said that she doesn’t really get a lot of time to travel because she has to get back to writing, so I don’t really think she plans to go there anytime soon. *I* for one would love to visit the UK at some point, lol. Wish I had time to ask more questions!

  2. ask her about what’s to come with Rachel and Trent. Any info you can find out about these two would be great. Hopefully I’ll have read the book by then and can suggest better questions.

  3. I’m insterested in knowing more about this “hole in the ever-after” that Rachel made. What kind of impact does that have? It’s been barely mentioned, but it seems like it certainly should be a much bigger deal. It wasn’t explained why it happened either. How did here making a new line cause it? I don’t frequent alot of fansites/blogs so maybe it’s been brought up more than I think.

    Oh and Yay! It’s almost here!

    1. I think they explain it a little more in A Perfect Blood, so once you’ve read that let me know if you want to tweak this question a bit. But in Pale Demon Newt says the the hole has caused the Ever After to gradually shrink, meaning that little by little the Ever After is technically disappearing.

    1. Kim has said that she doesn’t really see Rachel and Al together. I’ve heard responses from that to saying that she didn’t see Kisten and Rachel coming either, so that ship is going to be a wait and see kind of thing I’m sure. We actually wouldn’t have had any Al at all if it weren’t for Kim deciding to re-write the book, removing the new love interest and adding more Trent. I personally think if they have a chance it’d be in “Ever After” which is the next book, but you know Kim won’t spill on spoilers >_>.

  4. I was wondering if we will see Pierce again now that he is Newt’s familiar? Also wondering exactly what sa’han means? I know that Quen calls Trent that, but why did he use it for Rachel?

  5. One more thing… I just realized that Tulpa is the word that Rachel uses for holding excess Ley line energy and it was also Trent’s horses name. I was wondering if you could ask Kim about this. Trent seemed startled when he heard Al say it at the end of A perfect blood..,,

  6. I guess I’ll just write my own question here before I forget. Elves seem to be very comfortable in cold weather. Is there a threshold for elves to feel cold? Are they just super tolerant or just immune to the effects all together?

  7. Hey Erika,
    Could you ask Kim about Ceri. I’m curious to see what Ceri thinks of Trent/Rachel.Especially after having cherry pie for a week straight? Thanks

      1. when he walked in and saw Trent and Rachel(in Trent’s office, when they called Al).Quen and David were just staring at them.I wonder what David thinks of this relationship starting.

  8. I thought of another question.What’s up with Trent being able to read Rachel’s mind.When he stops her and tells her “us”.Then he hinted about the things that were to come and they did! Can he read her mind? Also, does Alice know about Trent’s mom and Rachel’s dad? Thanks and when are you posting answers?Have fun tonight and find out all you can 🙂

    1. I won’t be able to ask all of these questions, but I appreciate having a good pool to choose from. Autumn Leaves said she’d ask some for her signing tomorrow for us, so she’s awesome for that. I will try to write some short replies from my phone soon after if I can (unless I have free wifi somewhere and can use my tablet) and then I plan to upload video of me asking her these questions tomorrow (catching a movie after the signing).

      I will try to tweet as well. I will see how the flow goes.

    2. I asked Kim that on her Spoiler page and she says that Trent can not read minds. That he can just read Rachel that well now. She is an open book to him now and can read her body and facial language that well. Hope that helps…

  9. Hey Erika, 🙂

    I’d like to know if we’re going to get see Rachel settle on a romantic choice and get to enjoy her “romantic” HEA for a little while or if we’re going to just get a fade-to-black type of thing, which is nowhere near as satisfying. As Mercy Briggs and Ilona Andrews have proved, a romantic HEA doesn’t necessarily mean an overall HEA for the story arc of a series.

    Thanks for taking questions and have fun!

    1. Sort of sounds like it. But remember, she was with Kisten for a few books and he was considered her HEA, so it could be that situation. But to be on the safe side, if anything happens between them (or Al for that matter) before the series’s end, we can’t know that it’s a guarantee it will be either one on that last page. I’m editing my video now.

  10. Hey Erika,

    I’ll go through these questions and print them out and see what I can do about getting her to answer at the signing in Atlanta today. Wish me luck!


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