Sophia (Vampires in America #4) – The weakest of the bunch

Every series is likely to have a weak entry and this one is it for Vampires in America.  Raphael and Cyn are back in the spotlight, but they now they share it with a crop of new characters, including the title vampire character. This time we move northwest to Vancouver, British Columbia and Washington state.  Sophia herself has been summoned there by her Sire in the wake of three vampires’…

April 24, 2012

Rajmund (Vampires in America #3) – Another good installment

So as to not make us become too tired of Raphael and Cyn, D.B. Reynolds shifts focus from the west coast to the east coast, taking us from Malibu, California to New York City.  While Raphael makes his business rounds, meeting with the master of New York City, Rajmund Gregor, he brings Cyn along to meet her good friend, Professor Sarah Stratton, who came down from upstate New York to…

April 23, 2012

Jabril (Vampires in America #2) – Even better than the first

While the scenery has shifted a bit from Malibu, California to Houston, Texas, Cynthia Leighton brings some of her problems there with her. After her falling out with Raphael, to keep herself focused Cyn heads to the lone star state to help yet another Vampire Lord. Except this time her client is the purely evil and sadistic Jabril Karim, who needs Cyn’s P.I. skills to track down the most important…

April 20, 2012

Raphael (Vampires in America #1) – A new PNR series I can really get into!

I am first and foremost an Urban Fantasy fan, so while I read PNR series on occasion they don’t really grip me.  Heck, I’m only through book 2 of the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series myself after starting that series months ago, though I do plan to read them all eventually.  That said, D.B. Reynolds has done a great job at keeping me engaged all throughout.  I have read these books…

April 17, 2012

Darkness Rising (Dark Angel #2) – Now we’re talkin’!

I read the first novel of Keri Arthur’s series, Darkness Unbound, finding that the pieces of a good Urban Fantasy series were there, but it didn’t really come together to carve out its own unique spot in this genre.  Well, Darkness Rising is definitely putting this series on the right track to do that and I’m glad that it didn’t take very long.  Many books suffer from FBS (first book…

April 13, 2012

Mercy Thompson Graphic Novel: Moon Called Vol. 2 – Eye candy extraordinaire

It took me a little while to get around to reading the second and final volume for the Moon Called graphic novel.  What with no bookstores nearby, I wasn’t totally sure if I wanted to pay for a comic that I couldn’t see.  The first volume was beautifully illustrated, but I wasn’t sure how much I would enjoy the story.  For me the Mercy Thompson series definitely suffers from FBS…

April 10, 2012

The Hollows makes me bipolar, and tsk tsk Linda Larsson!!

So while I’d been whining a little bit a few days ago about The Hollows getting a 13th book, my biggest harp was that I thought it’d mean we had to wait yet another year for Rachel’s HEA.  But if we still get it in 12 and 13 is a bonus, then I’ll take it! Though Kim could change her mind, if she sticks to this then I’m totally on…

April 6, 2012

Giveaway to celebrate the big 10K: Love is Darkness (Valerie Dearborn #1) by Caroline Hanson

To tie in (in part) with Your Urban Fantasy’s 10,000 views celebration, Caroline Hanson is offering her Valerie Dearborne novel “Love is Darkness” for FREE today and tomorrow through Amazon.  If you didn’t get a chance to nab it soon after my review, here’s another chance! I really enjoy this series and I’m definitely looking forward to book 3!  Thanks again to all of you guys and thank you, Ms….

April 5, 2012

Guest Blogger – Author Caroline Hanson: Best vampires EVER…I think. Or probably. Certainly for the moment.

Today’s post is about my three favorite vampires. But it’s hard to narrow it down to just three. Even VampireNovelFan’s guest post on my blog could only highlight her favorite vampires in newer series.  Depending on the criteria, my choices might change. For example, if the category was best pedophelic vampire, obviously I would choose Edward. If it was hottest gay vampire it would probably be a toss up between…

April 4, 2012