Review + Giveaway: Wicked as They Come (Blud #1) – My FAVORITE book of 2012 thus far!!

wicked as they come, delilah dawson, blud
Yeah, those of you who follow me closely know I wouldn’t throw that out there lightly, but there it is!  I’d heard good things about the series but I wasn’t in the hugest rush to read it. Man am I SO glad I got around to it!

Delilah Dawson introduces us to a new world through the eyes of Letitia Everett (aka Tish), a nurse who spends most of her time tending to patients in reality, including her terminally ill grandmother.  That is until she stumbles upon this interesting ruby locket at an estate sale. Unbeknownst to her it happens to be enchanted, and once she falls asleep it thrusts her into an alternate world called Sang where she meets Criminy Stain, a rebellious gypsy Bludman (aka vampire) who has been waiting for her for a long time.  After all, he’s the one that had the locket spell cast to deliver the love of his life to him.

He leads a travelling circus mixed with fellow Bludman and Pinkies (aka humans) alike.  Tish will fit right in as she realizes her powers as a Glancer, where she can see into someone’s past and future with just one touch.  It’s a valuable ability and she learns her own fate when she touches Criminy, seeing her ultimate  doom.  Anchored between both worlds through wearing the locket, she can decide what she wants, but when the locket is stolen she goes on a journey with Criminy to find it. They face many enemies by land and sea, their ultimate target being the evil and manipulative Magistrate who hates all Bludmen and has a plan to eradicate them all from Sang. If they succeed, she must decide on a normal structured life or an unpredictable destiny with the person she was least expecting to love.  Is Tish meant for all of this?

I won’t answer that question here, but I can just say that I loved loved LOVED this book! Dawson has an amazing imagination and has crafted a truly unique world with the Blud series.  I wasn’t sure how much I could get into the world-building because Steampunk novels can be too heavy on the details for my liking.  But she was able to harness it and describe everything effectively while still keeping my attention.  I seriously don’t recall being bored at all and that’s saying a lot.

I liked that the Bludmen are really different for a change.  Instead of being at the top of the food chain and rich like vampires in normal series, their race is oppressed and their people are considered second class citizens.  Let’s not even get into the topic of a Bludmen becoming involved with a Pinky.  It’s super taboo and usually the two races aren’t attracted to one another (well, aside from Bludmen seeing them as food of course).  Because of this I enjoyed watching the tensions mount between the two.

Criminy Stain. Just one word to describe him: AMAZING!!  I just don’t know if we can get enough of this character. He is so unique in a genre where it’s only getting more difficult to separate the best from the rest. He’s a born leader, honorable and  adventurous; he cares about his people and hates that they’re suffering, but even still he doesn’t become emo and self-loathing.  He maintains a great sense of humor throughout it all.  I probably haven’t read about a more dynamic character since Algaliarept from The Hollows.  The only downside is that I’m not sure what the second book will have in store.  The book doesn’t end in a cliffhanger,  but I just can’t tell what’s going to happen next for him since the second book seems to shift focus. To ignore this character is to ignore a goldmine.  He’s got potential to be a fan favorite, like a Jericho Barrons, Algaliarept, Jean Claude, Curran, the list goes on.

I think the love story between Criminy and Letitia is very well done and not too heavy on that sap.  It’s definitely more of a romantic adventure so a lot of the focus is on the adventure side of things, which is just how I like it.  All the while the feelings build allowing things to happen at the right time.

I really wish this series came out bi-annually simply because of him.  Maybe we can coax the author into writing up some short stories or vignettes.

This series is one where I would love to see a movie adaptation created for it.  It could be a big hit, seeing all of this come to life.  I just can’t gush enough and I’ve decided to hold a giveaway right now! I can’t wait much longer for more of you to read it so….


I will select two winners for this and they may choose either the paperback or the ebook. I am collecting entries through May 4th. I will announce the winners on Saturday, May 5, 2012.

How to Enter (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY): My giveaways are only open to followers of Your Urban Fantasy who are 18 years of age or older.  In order to enter YOU MUST COMMENT ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT POST! If you’re a new member, sign up on the right panel to follow my blog via email and/or Twitter. (Make sure you check your email to confirm your subscription. You should receive a notification immediately, so check your spam folder if you don’t see it right away). Current followers can just say so in their post and your entry will be added. Overall, there are up to 3 chances to win:

  1. Follow this blog via email (THIS IS REQUIRED)
  2. Follow me on Twitter (bonus entry)
  3. “Like” Your Urban Fantasy on Facebook (bonus entry)

While I do appreciate RSS subscribers, I cannot confirm your status as a follower so your entry will not count (sorry!); however, you are welcome to sign up by email and Twitter or Facebook.

This article has 101 Comments

  1. this book looks like an amazing read. I’d like the hard cover if I win.

    I follow on e-mail NoraAdrienne(at)gmail(dot)com

    I follow on Twitter @NoraAdrienne

    and YES I LIKED your Facebook page. I’m also a fellow blogger.

  2. I want this book sooooooo bad 🙂 thanks for the chance. I follow by email and FB sstogner1 at gmail dot com

  3. Thanks for the review and giveaway. It does sound like a great read. Current follower by email, twitter, and facebook.

  4. Thanks for the giveaway! I’d like to try this one, it really sounds amazing, and I might like it too since it’s you’re favorite,lol. I am a follower of your blog and I also liked your Facebook page. Thanks again. 😉

  5. I saw your status on this book earlier on goodreads. Needless to say I have already added it to my TBR list..sounds like an amazing read! Thanks for the giveaway. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by! I wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true! Criminy is just fantastic and I totally look forward to see him and the other characters of Sang again. He’s difficult to forget, just like the greats.

  6. I’m glad to hear you liked it so much. I have it on my kindle already and am in the process of working my way towards reading it. Love to hear that Criminy is on the same kind of level as Al, Barrons, Curran and Jean-Claude.

  7. Sounds interesting and definitely different than a lot of the stuff out there. Thanks for the chance to win the book 🙂

  8. I’m a follower and I liked on FB. I had never heard of this author or the book but you have me very curious about this story now!

  9. I would like to thank you for such an increadible book giveaway, and i would be exceedingly greatful if you could put my name forward for this giveaway. I am a huge fan of this particular genre & i am hence definately adding it to my to-read list! Thank you Xx

    Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk

    1. You’re welcome, Lucinda. Thanks for following and I wish you luck! You’re on the list! This is a gem for sure if you love this genre as much as I do!

  10. I’ve heard really good things about this book, and will definitely bump it up on my TBR list! Thanks for the giveaway offer!! I look forward to following your blog!

  11. Email follower.

    Thank you for the recommendation – I had kept this off of my TBR list because of the cheezy cover but since you rate it so highly I’ve now added it. Of course, it would be even better if I won a copy!

    1. Thanks, April. I actually like the cover in this case, but I’m normally pretty picky about them (though I may still read a book if the ratings are high enough). Heck, if you see my reviews for the Vampires in America books that I did recently you will see I’m always commenting about those covers…which are just awful and there’s no way around it, lol.

  12. I kind of like the cover. makes me think Jack the Ripper vampire. I am a new follower of your on twitter and email. Love your blog, very pretty:) Croosing my fingers toes and eyes to win after reading your great review:)
    laura thomas

    1. Thanks, Laura! I appreciate the support and compliment! I was hoping for that urban fantasy feel so if it accomplishes that then I’m happy. Good luck and I hope you like it here!

  13. Thanks Erika! I never would’ve thought this was so good. The steampunk aspect kept me away totally. I’m just not into it. The world building sounds great though, and if there’s a character the caliber of Al and Curran around, I am there! On the TBR list for sure.

  14. hey, thanks for the chance to win the book. Sounds like a good read. I’m following this Blog and your Twitter. and also done the ‘liked’ thing on Facebook 🙂

  15. Loved the review.Will be picking up if I don’t win. I’ve been following this blog for a while, I’m following you on Twitter and Goodreads. I’ll have to check out the facebook thing.

  16. I could have sworn I already entered this, but I don’t see my comment. Oh well here I go again … I follow via email and liked you on facebook and Twitter. I am too freaking excited to read this book, everyone I know has raved!!

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