Magic Gifts – there’s Naked Curran…’nuff said

Ilona Andrews - Magic Gifts - Kate Daniels - Andrea Nash - CurranSo now that I have your attention…

There IS naked Curran, but there’s always more to say when it comes to a Kate Daniels story. I initially didn’t even read the synopsis because Kate gets an insta-click. The cover is really cool, making me wonder if covers for future novels are in for a style change.

This story takes place after Magic Slays (Book 5) and runs simultaneously with Andrea’s upcoming novel, Gunmetal Magic. Kate and Curran just can’t seem to catch a break as their dinner date goes horribly wrong. I swear this is probably the most quotable series. Kate sums it up perfectly:

“Best date ever. Well, until people died and vampires showed up. But before that it was awesome.”

It turns out the source of the trouble is a magical necklace that kills whoever wears it. The first victim was a navigator. The second potential victim is her kid brother. Well, he will be unless Kate and Curran can figure out how to get it off without killing him. This of course segues into a fast-paced, action heavy adventure for our favorite duo.

It’s fun to see Kate and Curran working as a team. They bicker, but you know the love is there. Aside from that, there are plenty of laughs along the way, a couple of sad moments, and one HUGE development! I was expecting all filler, but there is a major spoiler within this story, making me want to read Gunmetal Magic ASAP.  While Magic Gifts is a novella, it is very substantive, resulting in a satisfying Kate Daniels fix for me. I’m up for Kate and Curran anytime, but I’m a fan of Andrea too so I’m really looking forward to reading her novel.

This story was a wonderful surprise and holiday treat from the Andrews team, so I’m just another fan expressing my thanks!

This article has 8 Comments

  1. I love this series so much I couldn’t have asked for a better Xmas gift. It’s always a good time for Kate and Curran. I’m quite fond of all the other characters as well so I can’t wait for Andrea’s novel. If you haven’t read Magic Gifts do so Right Now, you won’t regret it!

  2. Its a good short story and easy to follow, even without knowing the rest of the series, after reading this I read everything else and then re-read Magic Gifts, what new understanding I gained…
    I’m really interested in what Kate’s going to do with the vampire blood, woot to making blood armor!
    Also mmm Curran, a large part of me wishes, even after all the time that’s passed for Kate and Curran that he had shown up for their first-ish date with her in her undies, after all the two of them jumping each other in the gladiator hot-tub was certainly fun…

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