Everneath – Forced to finish this one

The cover suggests a slightly more mature theme, even within the YA genre.  It can happen. I just finished reading a book where it happened.  But 99% of the book is spent with her outside of this “Everneath”, resulting in a fairly uninteresting read.  I read it quickly so I didn’t waste too much time on it, but I really don’t like it when covers are so deceptive. Nikki is…

January 14, 2012

Touch of Power – Engaging all throughout

Maria Snyder is off to an excellent start with Touch of Power, Book 1 of The Healer series.  The book centers on Avry of Kazan, a young woman with special power to heal those around her while she absorbs their ailments.  One would think that this would be a revered power, but instead it puts a huge target on her back.  Suspected of creating the plague that wipes out a…

January 10, 2012