Giveaway! Spellbound by Kelley Armstrong

I have already reviewed this novel, but I figured I’d spread the wealth.  I don’t really recommend this as a first foray into this world, but if you plan to read the series, this is just one book of the baker’s dozen to cross off your list! I am collecting entries through Monday, August 27th. I will announce the winner the next day. How to Enter (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY): My…

August 20, 2012

Spellbound (Women of the Otherworld #12) – Building to a climax

Book 12 in Kelley Armstrong’s successful series is shaping the plot for a big finale.  Like book 11, Waking the Witch, the focus is still on Savannah Levine, a witch (not surprisingly) with unique powers.  Her powers led to catastrophic events in the prior novel; they were so terrible that she decided to give up her powers for good.  Unfortunately she did it at the wrong time. The enemies are…

August 5, 2012