A Shade of Vampire (Review + Free excerpt) – Well done debut novel for Bella Forrest

a shade of vampire, bella forestSofia Claremont gets more than she bargained for on the evening of her seventeenth birthday after she is kidnapped to a mysterious island. While perpetually nighttime, it’d be easy to assume that she’s been taken to Alaska during that time of year; but it turns out it’s an uncharted location where vampires rule.  She soon learns that she’s been abducted into slavery at the mercy of vampires that can be as cruel as they are beautiful.
She may have a chance to fare better than most, as her master is the dark royal Prince himself, Derek Novak.  Though blood thirsty due to a 400 year stasis he may be her best chance at survival, meaning she’ll do everything in her power to remain on his good side.  However, his more sinister Novak siblings may have other plans…

I’ve been on somewhat of a YA kick lately, so this was a satisfying read for the time.  The writing and world-building were very good for a debut.  The characterization was adequate in that I found myself becoming invested in the cast. I liked who I was supposed to late and hated who I was supposed to hate.  I think Sofia makes a few silly choices, but that’s pretty much the status quo for 99% of heroines out there.  Derek is a pretty good leading man, though I would like to see him more unhinged.  It would make him a little more interesting considering his age, though he looks eternally youthful.

I enjoyed the premise but I read it almost directly after another novel with a similar idea, though this novel was published first. I plan to follow both, but I definitely want to stagger them so that I don’t mix up plots.  Though only a novella, Bella Forest makes it count with a tight and suspenseful story.  I look forward to more, hopefully a full length novel at some point.

Though the book is currently $3.99 for 150 pages, if you’re an Amazon Prime member like myself, it can be your free book of the month.

If you’re not sure if you want to purchase it right away, feel free the read the excerpt to see if it’s your cup of tea:  A Shade of Vampire – Excerpt

*ARC provided by the author.

This article has 2 Comments

    1. Thank you. Maybe one day. But for right now I can barely keep up with the list I have. I’m actually behind. Yikes!

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